Film review: ‘THOR: LOVE AND THUNDER’ by Nick Gardener from ‘Built For Speed’

Taika Waititi’s previous instalment in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor: Ragnarök was, at least for a while, a strikingly odd experience and refreshingly different flavour in what had become the bland cinematic equivalent of a fast-food franchise.  Suddenly, droll, pisstaking Kiwi humour had entered the overblown Wagnerian Marvel superhero fantasy universe. At first, it felt quite subversive but the film

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Film review: THOR: THE DARK WORLD, from Built For Speed

The seemingly endless procession of superhero comic cinema adaptations continues with the second Thor film, Thor: The Dark World.  The first Thor film was a passable mythic adventure yarn in which the eponymous Norse thunder God and Marvel Comics legend bashed his way through some gruesome looking fiends in the other dimensional world of Asgard. Exactly what the hell is

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