Film review: ‘THE CREATOR’ by Nick Gardener from ‘Built For Speed’

Clever, inventive, visually breathtaking and studded with gritty action sequences, the dystopian adventure, The Creator is one of the stronger cinematic sci fi offerings of recent times.  Still, a few too many conspicuous film references, structural issues and superficial examination of key issues like artificial intelligence and American imperialism lessen its impact. In scenes reminiscent of the start of District

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Film review: GODZILLA, from Built For Speed

The latest screen incarnation of Godzilla was preceded by one of the more enticing trailers of recent times.  It depicted a team of paratroopers descending through an ominously dark and cloudy sky to the eerie strains of Gyorgy Ligeti’s Reqium otherwise known as the monolith music from 2001: A Space Odyssey.  It was spooky, menacing and instantly grabbed the attention

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