Film review: PAIN AND GAIN, from Built For Speed

Thank you Michael Bay, just when directors like Richard Linklater thought they had tricked us into believing that quality cinema was about intelligent dialogue and nuanced characterisation, you remind us that movies are really all about oiled-up muscle men shooting, bashing and blowing each other up in slow-motion orgies of violence. Bay’s latest masterpiece Pain and Gain, which is loosely

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Film review: FAST AND FURIOUS 6, from Built For Speed

Fast and Furious 6, which sounds like the title of a ballsier Enid Blyton novel, is an utterly preposterous action film that verges on “so bad it’s good” territory.  This is a film for the computer game generation so forget realism and consequences, just imbibe the hedonistic and unbridled destruction in a film so ridiculous and so disconnected from reality

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