What’s on ‘Built For Speed’, Friday 20th November 2020

This week on ‘Built for Speed’ we’ll take a look at the latest film from director Miranda July, the uber-quirky comedy/drama,’Kajillionaire’ starring Evan Rachel Wood.  We’ll also treat you to more of the magnificent new music you may have missed during the ‘Built For Speed’ hiatus as well as indie and classic rock favourites from times past.  Don’t forget our

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Film review: ‘THE TRIP TO GREECE’ by Nick Gardener from ‘Built For Speed’

The Trip to Greece is the fourth and purportedly last instalment in director Michael Winterbottom’s serio-comic travelogues starring Steve Coogan (best known as fictitious, cringe-inducing TV host Alan Partridge) and comic actor and quiz show host Rob Brydon. While adopting a slightly different approach to the three previous films, Trip to Greece won’t disappoint the series’ devotees. As fans of

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Film review: ‘UNHINGED’ by Nick Gardener from ‘Built For Speed’

Unhinged sounds like the title of a typical 80s video nasty designed to exploit fears of the mentally ill.  While much slicker and a little more thoughtful than those VHS trash-fests, this tense and at times gruesomely violent road rage thriller occasionally veers into that same pulpy territory. The film establishes its threatening scenario in an unnerving opening credits sequence

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What’s on ‘Built For Speed’, Friday 13th November 2020

On an appropriately spooky evening, Friday 13th, ‘Built For Speed’ returns to the airwaves.  We’ll have a feast of great tunes as we feature some of the magnificent tracks of 2020 (particular the best Australian releases) as well as indie and classic rock favourites from across the decades.  We’ll also talk movies as we review the new Russell Crowe film,

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