Bayside Mayor Hanna El Mouallem on air

Every month on Southern FM, the Mayor of Bayside, Cr Hanna El Mouallem chats with Colin Tyrus on A Newsman and His Music. In this podcast, the topics include new digital permits for beach and residential parking, details of the council budget and rates increase and an update from Council’s latest meeting. Visit: This segment broadcast on 5 June

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Bayside Mayor with the Newsman – February 2023

Bayside Mayor Cr Hanna El Mouallem discusses a range of issues in this podcast from Southern FM’s Monday morning program A Newsman and His Music.  The Mayor talks about trees, dogs, cats, the arts and even Christmas decorations. Once a month, Colin speaks to the Mayors of Bayside, Glen Eira and Kingston. Your questions are welcome! You can  email a

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Bayside U3A 2023 launch – podcast

In this podcast, we take you to the Bayside U3A 2023 launch celebration with an Outside Broadcast hosted by Leanne Cutler and Paul Goethel with production support from Pauline O’Brien and Colin Tyrus. Guests include Bayside U3A President David Hone, Beatles lyrics expert Dr Bob Mason, U3A Course Coordinator Sue Steele and the Mayor of Bayside Cr Hanna El Mouallem.

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