Best Medicine

Scriptwriter, director, VCA lecturer Sandra Sciberras talks with me today, about her work and her new film out soon: SURVIVING GEORGIA – which has a brilliant cast: Holly Valance, Pia Miranda,  Caroline O’Conner, Shane Jacobson, Spencer McLaren. Sandra’s smart, talented and makes insightful comments about work/life balance. Make it a date with me – Gaytana – Tuesdays 11am-noon for Best

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Best Medicine

Today, Kel Robertson talks about his latest book, crime thriller   RIP OFF. With a great cast of characters, an excellent lead in Brad Chen a  lively plot that takes us to most of our capital cities, timely themes and sharp humour, this is a great read. Make it a date with me, Gaytana, Tuesdays 11am – noon for Best

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Best Medicine

High end design and sustainability – how FLUORO magazine and housemouse design are aiming to make a difference. Today on BEST MEDICINE I talk with Nancy Bugeja editor of FLUORO magazine.   Make it a date with me, Gaytana,  Tuesdays 11am-noon for Best Medicine

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Best Medicine

Ah the charm of Ezra Bix. And the talent.  Shirley & I talked with Ezra – actor, writer, performance poet – last Thursday evening on Write Now. Today on Best Medicine I’m playing that interview. Why – I hear you ask? Because in his writing there is wonder, joy, celebration, playfulness – which we can all do with a huge

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Best Medicine

Today an aspect of self-actualisation on Best Medicine. Interview with Suzanne McCourt re her course facilitating creativity. Refute naysayers & harsh critics. Express yourself. Make it a date with me, Gaytana – Tuesdays 11am-noon for Best Medicine on 88.3fm

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Best Medicine

Today on Best Medicine a chat with comedian Elliot Goblet. I’m grateful to Shirley Randles for not just allowing but actively encouraging me to use this Write Now programme from March this year, in which we talked with Elliot Goblet and another special guest – his mother. Make it a date with me Gaytana-Tuesdays 11am-noon for Best Medicine on 88.3FM,

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