Don’t miss The Newsman: Mondays 9-11 AM

Nick Staikos and Colin Tyrus

On Day One of Stage 4 Lockdown, Nick Staikos MP and Bayside Mayor Clarke Martin join Colin Tyrus on A Newsman and his Music between 9 AM and 11 AM – Monday 3 August 2020. Also on the show, Finance with Paul Goethel, Entertainment with Sandy Kaye, This Week in History with Historic John and the latest in local news from

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Two-Natural-Ladies-Show48-July14-2020 Podcast

Poetry and the downs and the ups of life The Two Natural Ladies talk about feeling judged and being grateful How our environment is uplifting – our oceans the dolphins and whales Our attachment to being right and looking good, which of course leads to a discussion about going grey “I like me better when I’m with you” –find out

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Two-Natural-Ladies-Show47-July7-2020 – Podcast

Friendship, Kindness and gratitude Two Natural Ladies discuss what the world needs now Whilst sharing facts on our oceans and ways we can be more sustainable. One step at a time. Looking at seaweed, picking up rubbish, the different rules to Monopoly and doughnut economics, 2040 and 4 Oceans. Dealing with life in the ‘new normal’ and how we are

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Two-Natural-Ladies-Show46-June30-2020 Podcast

Happy Anniversary! Two Natural Ladies have been on air for a year! First up Poem reading from one of our regular listeners *(see below) Jo & Vicki celebrate with a care package sent from the UK and an intuitive discussion Do we listen to our inner voice, getting those cues from our unconscious. This can be life changing as our

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Hair beautiful hair: Co-vid 19 hair styles; to grey or not to grey this is the question? Kindness; shifting our business in Co-vid 19; Brussel sprouts and Judgment; – Sally Wilson discusses her move into coaching and how our unconscious is running our lives Jo & Vicki start chatting about creating a new empowering positive conversations for ourselves and others:

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