Two Natural Ladies Show65 – Podcast – Keeping it Real, Upbeat and Fun :-)

Includes interviews with –
Elle Paton about Tiny Home living and local Australian musician, Peter Jackson
Other topics, chats and banter this episode (and approximate times) include –
3:18 – 16:36 (13 mins 18 secs)
“Life is more fun when you play games” Roald Dahl
Two Natural Ladies share some of their book (yet to be released) on ‘Laughter and Play’
Mate and Rummikub, ‘What’s at Play’- there is actually a seriousness in playing. Vicki and Jo decide no ‘Adulting’ today and discuss how they can do this in their professional meetings. Have fun and be professional!
Two Natural ladies chat about the many advantages of smiling:
• ‘Three smiles a day will increase your endorphins’ from Deb Pascoe’s book Vive
• When we smile our brain releases neuropeptides that help our cells communicate and influence our brain and body.
• “Each time you smile a little party happens in your head” Unknown
• Smiling is humans most powerful gesture
• When we smile people are attracted to us
Play with poetry has become an important part of Two Natural Ladies life
Volunteering can be fun and playful: when Two Natural ladies and some of their family spent time cleaning the beach together, they played, had fun and made a difference. Community and connection also create fun and laughter.
19:50 – 36:12 (16 mins 22 secs)
“When we stand together that’s when we all win” Nickelback
Elle Paton has a chat with Two Natural Ladies sharing her experience of Tiny Home living during Covid. Elle moved into her Tiny Home in St Kilda in March 2020 and within days was locked down. Fortunately her community garden had been created and Elle was able to link in with the local community and give away food.
Jo, Vicki and Elle discussed food security which became even more prevalent in 2020. Elle had many challenges and learnings spending many hours on her own and with her new partner in a very small space:
• A fast track to decluttering
• Living in a 20 square metre space – learning to ‘bond’ with the space
• Discovering her new relationship could work in a small space in isolation
• Grateful for her new relationship that enabled her some regular contact with someone
• Realising just how important family and friends and the outside world is when living in a tiny home
• Becoming really strategic and efficient
• Exploring consumer habits and what we bring into and take out of our homes
Elle was grateful for the outside space and the ability to be part of something bigger than herself.
38:53- 48:11 (9 mins 18 secs approx.)
Food security, Edible Gardens and smashing trophies
Join Jo and Vicki on a fun adventure on another of topics from serious to fun
Two Natural Ladies discuss creating gardens on our nature strip so everyone can eat. Edible trees and bushes growing so we can wander the streets and feed!
Vicki has a bigger one but Jo has more and Two Natural ladies plan to smash them all Our Trophies of course. Jo will organise the smash and Vicki will organise the repurposing of the bits. Don’t worry they won’t be thrown out but turned into a mosaic.
Grey hair is in and here to stay a poem on the subject is included
48:12- 51:59 (3 mins 47 secs)
Avocado a fruit with alligator skin and SUPER to eat
Two Natural ladies chat about the benefits and ways to eat this delicious fruit. Their Facebook friends help with suggestions on how to eat this fruit and with what. Jo shares her facts on the health benefits while Vicki informs us that the name comes from the Aztecs- derived from the word testicles
The seeds can be composted and new trees can be grown Oh and the fruit is full of anti-oxidants and potassium – a superfood!
52 – 1:27:35 (approx.) add 5 mins for the song
A 10 pound pom; the Lockdown blues and great live music
Two Natural Ladies talk with Peter Jackson, creator of the band Jackson Combo. We find out his colourful musical background with his dad in London at the night clubs in Soho and then his own adventures once they moved to Australia
Peter began playing in pubs at 16. Performing at night and school during the day. He shared the shock of moving from -3 degrees in London, to 48 degrees in Geelong.
Peter loves what he does and has been told he can’t be a ‘real’ musician as he has too much fun – he’s the right kind of man for the Two Natural Ladies! Peter loves to chat with his audience and Jo & Vicki and Peter discuss the importance of interaction and connection.
The Jackson Combos last live performance before lockdown was at the cancelled Grand Prix in Melbourne. They were playing to an audience ‘crying in their beers’ – not their favourite gig but certainly memorable. Vicki and Jo discuss with Peter his band members and their individual talents as well as the Two Natural Ladies becoming groupies!
As many people did, The Jackson Combo became inventive during Co-vid but unfortunately many venues that closed will never reopen. WE need to support live music. To finish the interview with Peter he shares his wonderful adventures in New Orleans and his beloved song – include here – The Congo Square.
This is a wonderful interview full of warmth, fun and laughter.
133:10-143:50 (10 mins 20 seconds)
Easy to do easy not to do: If not now when?
Two Natural Ladies discuss the aging brain and neuroplasticity. Keeping ourselves active and healthy and looking after each other.
“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world – indeed it is the only thing that ever has!” Vicki and Jo discuss this and a number of the people they know and have interviewed who demonstrate that it is a handful of people who start a movement
Peter Jackson and his commitment to the music industry
Ross and Ramona Headifen starting Beach patrol – the difference we make picking up rubbish
Natalie Isaacs, founder of 1 Million Women at one point thought what could one person do to make a difference?
Good-Edi: Two Natural Ladies discovery of these amazing Melbourne women, Catherin and Aniyo who have created an edible coffee cup.
Ashley Jordon and her support of the elderly.
Southern FM management team and all they do to keep the station going
Werner Erhard creator of the Landmark Forum began this worldwide phenomenon in his home with half a dozen people
Ivan Misner started a business referral group in 1989, which is now in over 70 countries and has hundres of thousands of members.
Sandy Beach Centre: started by Jo’s parents, Bruce and Rose Morey, almost 40 years ago. Hundreds of thousands of people have been involved in some way over the years!
Traders Association; Damon Gameu; 2040- you never know the difference you are making!
God Edi
Braith Bampkin
Spring Clean your Patch
Ross & Ramona Headifen
Kellie Myroki
Caravan of love
Beach Patrol
1 Million Women
Ashley Gordon
Damon Gameau
Prahti Bhatt
Veronica Lees
Sandy Beach Centre
Peter Jackson
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