Two-Natural-Ladies-Show58-Sept29-2020 Podcast

Light-hearted discussions continue on many and varied topics – including…

The Humble Pineapple – to smash or not to smash that is the question
“Be a Pineapple, stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet inside” Katherine Gaskin
Pineapple Facts: in the 17th century the pineapple was a cultural icon of luxury living. This fruit is the third most important tropical fruit in world production and Hawaii was originally the main grower.
Jo and Vicki then discuss the pros and cons, likes and dislikes of pineapple on pizza, in cake, salad and on it’s on
Jo reads out facts while Vicki reads out comments and recipes from the Two Natural Ladies Facebook page.
Pineapple’s regenerate and take 18-20 months to ripen. There is only one pineapple per plant and once picked, they ripen faster, upside down.
According to our favourite Travel Agent, Damien Rullo, it is a natural anti histamine.

Laugher and play we could do it all day
Vicki and Jo love a good laugh and have found over the years being in play has been an essential element of their relationship.
Start off cranky and end up uplifted –playing responsibly (smashing a pineapple is not being responsible?)
20:22- 35.50 (15mins 28secs) continued …all up (18 mins 58 seconds)
Two Natural Ladies are more motivated by play and can see the value of play in schools and home and for all ages. Vicki was noticing her daughter, B, painting getting ready to ‘play’ with her friends again. Jo’s eldest son, has landed his dream job where he can ‘play’ with motor cycles all day.
From struggling to thriving
From Thriving to struggling – we need a HEART = consideration and compassion of those in need- worldwide
“Personally I’m always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught” Winston Churchill
Fact Queen Jo explains: Judy Willis, neurologist has studied the benefits of fun and learning on feeling good with increased dopamine and endorphins and oxygen as well as an increase in productivity.
Quote Queen Vicki quotes: “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito” Dalai Lama
“A smile is a curve that sets everything right” Phyllis Diller
Education system maybe we need a new paradigm? Teachers become teachers to make a difference and then they become part of a culture that takes on a life of its own – not always supportive of the students or the teachers

Zoom Zoom
Two Natural Ladies fun event: Jo reads a poem badly and thank you’s are made to those who attended

Challenges: Leading to new horizons
Why Co-vid May be the next thing that has happened to us: simpleology- Mark Joyner

“Everyday adversity, every failure, every heart ache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit” Napoleon Hill
The homeless and the Pataka Movement: a new grassroots activism movement that provides food and groceries to those doing it tough by laying out a food pantry outside their homes.
Two Natural Ladies discuss these and many other ways we can support each other through challenges:
Creating affordable housing
Money spent on mental health
Community gardens
Tiny Houses
Op shops

Lockdown clean out
Cleaning up; cleaning out; hard rubbish getting ready for Op shops to open
Two Natural Ladies have questions not answers

A Culture of Giving – WE all have a purpose and we are all unique
Vicki and Jo interview Simonne Whine founder of NextGen Philanthropy
Simonne is involved in a number of grass roots charities and is on the committee of some of these. Her aim: A culture of giving. For Simonne it is an adrenaline rush when she gives
NextGen Philanthropy was started to assist kids to work out ways to give back, adults modelling for kids is also a very important component. The programs are for 5-12 year-olds and designed for schools to use giving fundraising ideas, educational information and empowering the next generation to make a difference
TNL asked Simonne how she chooses the ‘right’ charities. One recommendation is that all charities sit under one banner so they can support each other. Although normally Simonne donates anonymously during Co-vid she has been showing others that they can still help
An inspiring and thought provoking interview.

Oceans Community Connection – with Jo’s Soap box
“After a hurricane comes a rainbow” Katy Perry “Fireworks”
Learning from Nature: it’s all beautiful and never the same- the still waters and the rough seas. Vicki reads from the Two Natural Ladies book sharing our thoughts on “Community” this leads to a discussion on how Jo and Vicki connect charities together and is followed by…
Jo’s Soap Box: EPBCA (Environmental Protection And Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) please take some time and look this up and pressure your local members to create an act to preserve our eco system.
Vicki and Jo discuss Damon Gameau (2040 regeneration) and talk about the need for an Eco Cop Jo shares the devastating numbers from the fires in Australia in January 2020: 6 billion animals killed; 12 billion hectares of land burnt and 70% of our Koala population gone!
“ Our lands abounds in natures gifts of beauty rich and rare” (from the Australian National Anthem)
You can help by:
Signing petition
Watch 2040 film
Longevity film
Buy Natalie Isaac’s book “Every women’s guide to saving the planet”
Kate Raeworth’s book “Doughnut Economy”

321 & Other Stuff: A poem by Adrian Wood from Scarbados
Vicki’s request: Take pictures of the rubbish with some beautiful scenery
And a poem for us from our resident poet Adrian

The Music in Me
Two Natural Ladies discuss how music affects us: inspiring us; supporting us; uplifting us.
Vicki reads from Debra Pacoes book ‘Vive’ In the Shawshank redemption movie, Andy, played by Tim Robbins discusses his time in ‘the hole’ after playing Mozart: “I had Mozart in my head and my heart”
Jo’s dancing down the street
Vicki listening to Spotify
Music takes us out of our mood
Two Natural Ladies use music throughout their radio show and life to help us through the day. Nature’s song of trees, ocean, birds etc
U3A and the abundance of courses; webinars and podcasts available for us

Debra Pascoe
Natalie Isaacs
Simonne Whine
Kate Raeworth
Damon Gameu
Longevity film
Sally Wilson

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