Two Natural Ladies Show 75 – Podcast – Striving For Better, Not Perfect :-)

Another mixed bag of deep and meaningful discussion about life, love and homelessness – to fun light-hearted banter.
Discussions include –
Your Heart Centre – A cellular symphony:
Sending love & light emitting 100,000 photons
Two Natural Ladies discuss a Facebook post: ‘scientifically controlled study conducted by German researchers at the University of Kassel showing when someone meditates on their heart centre and sends love and light to others they emit an amazing 100,000 photons per second (rather than 20!).
The Heart loves, feels, thinks and remembers and communicates with other Hearts. It stores information and continually with each beat pulses this information through the body. It is far more than what modern science would have you believe. It is also a pump that pumps the cellular symphony that is the very essence of your being and it is a magnetic and radiating vortex and the true source of human power.’
Jo &Vicki talk about Lynne McTaggert who also talks about the benefits of meditating in a small group and concentrating healing others. In some studies Lynne did people were cured of pain, sight and agility after a ‘Power of Eight’ group
Discover how to tap into your extraordinary human capacity for connection and healing, using astonishing new findings about the miraculous power of group intention and its boomerang effect.
We are all molecules and maybe one day we can walk though wall and put our hand though tables!
8:55- 13:47 (4 mins 48 secs)
To dance or not to dance
Two Natural Ladies ventured out and supported a local venue and a local music group – The Jackson Combo. A surprise and delight for Vicki who thought she would have to go to seedy bar in the city to see great live music ?
Friends meeting, drop in and the music filling our souls.
Jo & Vicki finish with rats, bats cats and ants! An abundance of life – not necessarily welcome
17:52-32:09 (14 mins 17 secs)
“No such thing as waste, only stuff in the wrong place!” Formidable Vegetables
Jo & Vicki have a chat about a previous interview with Anne Marie Bonneau, Zero Waste Chef. Zero Waste is a goal not so easy to achieve. And we all have the ability to control our food waste. With one out of four bags of groceries ending up in landfill, wasting food is an environmental tragedy. The energy, water, transport used is one problem and even worse is the fact that the methane gas created by food in our landfill, is 84% more potent than carbon dioxide
We can’t take on the fossil fuel companies on our own but knowing that 8% emissions come from our food waste in comparison with 3.5% for the whole airline industry, this is something we can impact!
“Waste is a failure of the imagination” Douglas McMaster, founder of Silo
Two Natural Ladies discuss Reduce Reuse Recycle: buy less food, go shopping in our fridge and pantry and then when the food has gone off – compost!
Grocery stores and farms throw out the imperfect food. Now some companies are taking this on and creating meals for the homeless – one company made 1.5million meals
And Vicki’s cook was able to make a meal for eight with a cabbage!
Creating a new paradigm with plastic waste:
· Refuse a plastic straw
· Decrease your energy bills
· Follow the Two Natural Ladies with #Letsdoit321
WE can do better! ?
32:09 – 34:35
4 Oceans to the rescue
Jo & Vicki look at what 4 oceans have been up to. In their first 12 months of operations they cleaned up 1 million pounds of rubbish. In the first 3 months of 2021 they did the same. Thanks to all the support they are able to have more ships and staff pulling out more rubbish form the oceans.
And a happy ending for a dolphin, discovered in Bali, trapped in discarded fishing netting.
You will enjoy this little snippet of the difference we are making. ?
38 – 43:12 (5 mins and 12 seconds)
The Beautiful Beetroot:
Two Natural Ladies give some great beetroot facts from
“Packed with essential nutrients, beetroots are a great source of fiber, folate (vitamin B9), manganese, potassium, iron, and vitamin C. Beetroots and beetroot juice have been associated with numerous health benefits, including improved blood flow, lower blood pressure, and increased exercise performance.”
Jo & Vicki discuss the Two Natural Ladies Group shares on ways to use beetroot
- Salads
- Roasted
- In burgers
- Dying cloth
- Red velvet cake
An entertaining and informative snippet
43 – 52:45 (9 mins and 45 secs)
Focus and communing: getting what we want
Two Natural Ladies kick off with a poem “Intention” by Jo.
This leads to a discussion on:
“What are you proud of?”
“What are you sorry for?”
During a training course Vicki was asked to look at these questions.
Pride in Swimming & winning
Sorry for not building sandcastles
The beauty is those things we are sorry for, in many cases, we can do now! So Vicki and her family, at night, went down the beach and made a huge sandcastle! ?
Jo shared how sorry she was for the way she sometimes treated her eldest son, Chris. The expectation on him as the oldest. AND the things Jo stepped over, that maybe could have had a different outcome.
We can apologise, we can change what we can and parents who feel sorry and did what they can to do the best possible are ahead of the game!
Do better not perfect!
52:45 –1:22:39
Surfing a wave, holding on for our lives
Two Natural Ladies interview HR expert Suzanne Diprose discusses what happened in 2020 for our employees after 110 days in isolation! For some they got busier – too busy in some cases! For others they were stuck at home alone not knowing what was going to happen
Anxiety was widespread and ‘ugly’ behaviour became more prevalent. Crimes, verbal abuse and physical violence became more common place.
People were pushed to the edge!
And for others they stepped up and showed the kinder side of humanity, giving more and caring for others.
Vicki, Jo and Suzanne discussed the ripple effect of people behaving badly, and the flip coin to that, when people do a caring act
Suzanne gave us all some wonderful tips on what we can do if we are feeling ‘frayed at the edges’
AND now we are in 2021 what do organisations need to do now?
Be ready to move
Look at what the business needs and how to support the tem in having fun and feeling supported. If they feel looked after people will stay and have a high sense of loyalty.
Two Natural Ladies and listeners have the privilege of listening to Suzanne sing an original song
You will all relate in some way to this wonderful interview ?
1:26:13 – 136:11 (9 mins & 58 secs)
“If everyone cared” Nickleback ?
Two Natural Ladies discuss some of the Myths of homelessness – thank to you to Mission Australia for their information.
Myth 1 Our homeless community is made up of middle-aged men. Jo & Vicki talk about where this idea came from- maybe after the war?
Now people of all ages and backgrounds women, children, families, young people and older people are homeless. Almost a quarter are between 12 and 24 years old
And now six out of ten people seeking support from homelessness services are women.
Myth 2 Homeless people sleep on the street. Only 7% of people who are homeless are sleeping rough in improvised dwellings such as sleeping in parks, bus shelters, abandoned buildings or shop doorways.
The majority of people are hidden from view; ‘couch surfing’, moving between shelters, living in overcrowded dwellings or sleeping in cars. Two Natural Ladies chat about how bad some of these dwellings are
Myth 3 Being homeless is a choice. Domestic violence is one of the main reasons people seek help from a homeless service. Every week, women across Australia, often with children, escape abusive partners with nowhere to go and no other option.
People who come out of prison often have nowhere to go For anyone not in safe and secure housing cannot look for employment, training or further education.
There is a shortage of affordable housing which leads to many moving from dwelling to dwelling.
Only together can we break the cycle of homelessness in Australia.
Myth 4 Homeless people just need to get a job. Vicki & Jo talk about Jo’s discovery of the homeless in the city many years ago. It was obvious these people could not get a job until they were in stable housing. Jo was shocked at the amount of people on the street, the politics of those with nothing and no power
And of course the ever present mental health issues many face.
Myth 5 Homelessness is simply about physical housing and ‘rooflessness’. Living independently requires more than just having a roof over your head. Mission Australia provides individuals with the support and life skills to find a safe home, maintain a tenancy and thrive in the community.
Two Natural Ladies discuss the benefits of Tiny Homes as a way of supporting those in need get affordable housing.
Myth 6 Homelessness will never happen to me. More and more women are becoming homeless. This can be triggered by a sudden event. And for many they are only two pay checks from being on the streets!
Myth 7 We will never solve homelessness. Jo & Vicki know that with support we can have a huge impact on those without a safe and secure home! There are hard core homeless but they are the minority. Most people with a bit of support from us, their community, will be able to get themselves back on their feet. Home Share Melbourne is a wonderful organisation matching those in need with someone willing to give up a room and some time to help someone back on their feet. How many spare rooms are out there?
In 2020, through their 69 homelessness and housing services Mission Australia supported 17,368 people to get back on their feet and move towards rebuilding an independent life for themselves.
Please support these amazing organisations with donations, a room or a house you can let at an affordable rate
1:38:48 – 1:41:33
Doing a little bit everyday can create something amazing
Two Natural Ladies have a chat about Jo & her son Michael’s book. The first draft is done. Throughout 2020 they worked on this and have written over 200,000 words! It’s now in the editing phase. A healing process.
In taking little steps regularly the book came together. An analogy for anything we want to achieve. Health through diet exercise meditation – just start and do a little bit every day
Show 75 – Feb 23,2021 – includes interview with Suzanne
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