Two Natural Ladies Podcast – Show 73 – When we ALL stand together, that’s when we ALL win

Show 73 – including interview with Carla Reynes from Home Share Melbourne
A mixed bag of conversations including –
Paradigm Shifts: Creating Entertainment Precinct’s (11 mins and 55 secs)
A paradigm shift: a fundamental change in an approach or assumption
Two Natural Ladies have a roving discussion around changing the way we use our cars, creating community spaces, retirement and separation.
How do we feel about getting old and what happens to us when we ‘retire’!
Yarraville Pop up Park was created as a public open space and entertainment area. It is now a permanent precinct with the local community connecting and playing together.
Jo & Vicki share some of their experience in 2020 including Vicki’s bond to her garden – the edible and inedible bits!
Will you retire? What does it mean to retire? And how will you live your retirement? In a supportive community? With your family? Volunteer? Play Gold? Join Rotary?
So much to do!
Weeds for dinner? (4 mins and 2 seconds)
Two Natural Ladies have a chat about the garden where we can find a lot of edible weeds – we just have to know what is what! Is it time to go on an ‘Edible walk’ and find out the food from the poison?
Once again Jo’s grandson is right! Dandelions are edible – in fact they are well loved by many. AND extremely nutritional Oh yes Dandelion tea: Vicki says Yum Jo says Yuk
We laugh in the face of danger! (3 mins 34 seconds)
Two Natural Ladies talk about Vicki’s funk with her hubby – their answer- go kayaking in the bay in rough weather! A risky business! Vicki survives after the kayak is dumped and the experience gives them a reset and perspective on their situation.
And as always “This Too Shall Pass”
Sustainability Trivia Quiz (14 mins and 2 seconds)
Did you know that packaging accounts for 1/3 of our waste in weight and ½ in volume?
Were you aware that recycling one aluminium can saves enough energy to power a TV for three hours?
Jo does a surprise Pop Quiz asking Vicki a variety of questions relating to Reuse Reduce Recycle. Vicki’s score 6/10 (and these were questions from America!) Well done Vicki.
Waste not…
Two Natural ladies discuss Anne- Marie Bonneau, Zero Waste Chef’s ideas to reduce waste.
- Eat the planetary diet – less meat more fruit and vegies.
- Buy less food, use what you already have – 1 in 4 bags of food is wasted in the average household.
- Preserve food starting to go ‘soft’
- Buy less stuff – fix what you have
Just start! Pick one thing and get that right and then move on to something else.
There is something for everyone in this Podcast ??
Talking Dirty – In the Garden (13 mins and 13 seconds)
A Year dedicated to the humble spud in 2008! It’s a food crop that has been used to combat world hunger! ?
Yet It has been given a bad rap and seen as an evil carb which so many people love. and many have a good recipe to share
Two Natural Ladies Groupies share a myriad of potatoe recipes, from their favourite potatoe salad, to elaborate pesto bakes.
Jo & Vicki discuss the best time to grow them, a no dig system or in an old cardboard box – or just chuck them in your compost and let them go!
You will enjoy the banter and maybe learn something new about the Potatoe
56:12- 1:15:39
Community; Connection; Compassion -helping to combat Homelessness
Two Natural Ladies have a lively conversation with Carla Reynes from Home Share Melbourne
Carla worked with the homeless for 15 years in the UK and when she moved to Australia started Home Share Melbourne. Carla, Vicki and Jo discuss the issues for long term homeless and ways to prevent this. One way is for the community to open up their homes and offer a spare room. Safety and security is a number one priority for everyone involved and Home Share Melbourne do all the checks necessary to make sure of this.
Jo, Vicki and Carla talked about the basic need of a stable place to stay for anyone to move on in their life. Structure and routine help these vunerable people to go back to study or find employment knowing they have somewhere to come home to.
NO stability NO Support – Sam’s storey
Carla shares the uplifting story of 17 year old Sam who parents were in and out of prison and Sam was in and out of Foster Homes. Carla and her team, which includes her identical twin sister Jenna, match Sam with an amazing woman who has helped Sam to finish year 11, get a job and move out into her own home. They are still friends today.
WIN -WIN for all
The experience for the person in need of a place and the person offering the place is life changing. Everyone gains and those who have been involved comment on how Empowering & Rewarding the experience was. It is a proactive way to help combat homelessness.
Early intervention is key as the long term homeless often have either some mental health issues or drug and alcohol dependency which needs more professional support. Loneliness is a huge issue and Home Share Melbourne can offer some companionship through their programs.
Two Natural Ladies asked Carla about the other programs they offer which include disability housing, housing for those seeking asylum and youth housing
How can we all help? An offer of a room. A rental property at a lower rental rate. Financial donations
You will all be touched and we hope that many will put up their hand and support this amazing organisation
Community Connection Compassions – to humans and animals alike (6 mins and 28 secs)
Two Natural Ladies kick off this podcast with a discussion around community living and the different ways we can do this. As has been discussed before Vicki has a bigger one and Jo reads out a poem sharing why this is the case! ?
Black Fish film is the topic of Jo’s Soap Box. Three of Jo’s children were water births and were involved in baby swim classes at an early age. When he second son was a baby, the family started swimming with the dolphins at Sorrento. JO has done a lot of research into the horrendous torture these mammals endure in captivity, Black Fish confirms this.
- Inhumane treatment of the mammals
- Punishment when ticks are not performed properly
- Isolation in tiny areas to ‘control’ them
- All male orcas in captivity have bent over fins – a sign of depression and stress
A number of trainers were killed and misinformation and lies are given out during the shows at these theme parks.
This is a not to be missed podcast
1:29 – 1:40:37 (11 minutes and 37 secs)
“When we all stand together, that’s when we will win” Nickleback
Looking after you: put your mask on first but don’t leave the plane before helping others! The balance of caring for ourselves and others can be a tenuous one.
“Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left” Katie Reed
Two Natural Ladies explore ways we can contribute to others and be thankful for the people in our lives who support us ?
Jo and Vicki also discuss taking time out of their businesses to recharge and catch up with family and friend
Communication in Companies is the Key: Two Natural Ladies explore how companies communicate with their staff. Unfortunately many companies change salary structures due to less profits without consultations which leads to fear and uncertainty
Vicki and Jo delve into this dilemma and come up with some great ideas on ways to make it work for everyone ?
Please share this podcast when anyone you know running a business with staff – a thought provoking 11 minutes!
Recorded – 9 Feb 2021
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