The Space Show
Andrew Rennie’s The Space Show Wednesday 7pm – 8pm
Andrew Rennie had his radio debut at the age of five when he was interviewed on 3ZB Christchurch about what he had been doing during the school holidays. Three decades later interviews about space on Radio Pacific and 1ZB Auckland led to interviews on Television One.
One day he and a bunch of friends were whingeing about the lack of coverage of spaceflight on TV, when someone suggested they make their own. When the issue of who should research the programme was raised, everyone pointed to Andrew. Later, when film and images needed to be collected, everyone pointed to Andrew. Materials collected, a script had to be written, and you guessed, … Likewise a producer, presenter, and interviewer was selected by the group in the same manner. The resulting half hour documentary was broadcast on South Pacific Television.
A decade later a bunch of folks were sitting around bemoaning that there as no coverage of space on radio in Melbourne. They realistically realised that commercial radio would never carry any programming of the sort and put idea of a programme about space into the impossible dream basket. Then, in early 1991, up popped a number of community radio stations. Radio 3SCB (then in the process of morphing into 88.3 Southern FM) was contacted, and yes, they were interested, and by the way, could we start this weekend? And so it was that The Space Show began at Easter of 1991 with four presenters, one of them Andrew. Twenty-nine years on he is still at it, bringing the excitement of space and astronomy to whoever wants to listen.
Posts for The Space Show:
Kennedy’s Final Space Year Extended Edition
The Space Show has now posted an extended edition of our November 22 programme tracing the final year of United States President Kennedy’s delivered public speeches and the private White House conversations. They reveal his conflicted attitude to space activity, particularly the Apollo manned lunar landing, during 1963 as he looked toward the 1964 Presidential election. Also some songs and
Kennedy’s Final Space Year
This Wednesday, November 22, will be the 60th anniversary of the assassination of United States President Kennedy. The Space Show will mark the date by playing and interpreting the speeches he made about space during 1963, as well as the (at the time) secret White House recordings in which space was discussed. They provide a unique perspective on his doubts
The Space Show Archive
An archive of selected interviews, documentaries and event recordings from The Space Show, going as far back as 1991, are available for listening or download. These podcasts are being progressively added, so check back often. Just visit the show’s index page and then select the year and item category you are interested in listening to.
The Space Show
Andrew Rennie’s The Space Show Wednesday 7pm – 8pm Andrew Rennie had his radio debut at the age of five when he was interviewed on 3ZB Christchurch about what he had been doing during the school holidays. Three decades later interviews about space on Radio Pacific and 1ZB Auckland led to interviews on Television One. One day he and a