Talking wildlife, the environment, and snorkelling in Port Phillip Bay: Alli Harding chats with Simon Mustoe

Do you know you only need to be knee deep in water to discover the wonders of marine life in our bay?

In this podcast from South of the River, Alli Harding is chatting with Bayside local and ecologist Simon Mustoe, who is passionate about the natural environment and wildlife, and loves connecting people with nature.

An author, photographer, filmmaker, expedition leader, and consultant, Simon is also anĀ  experienced snorkeller and diver, and is next month launching his new book, Bayside: City Under the Sea. The book will be launched at Mantecado Cafe at 593 Balcombe Road, Black Rock, between 1.30pm and 3pm on Saturday 21 September.

Find out more about Simon and his work at

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