This Saturday the RGG team will be in full harness as we wind back the clock a full decade and revisit 2003. Music trivia, public events, public figures and the triumphant (Aussie cricket team wins World Cup) and tragic moments (Space Shuttle Columbia, SARS) of what was a momentous year in history. Of course you will also get to hear

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Write Now – TONIGHT – I’m talking with Keira Dickinson about Soupvan stories over a polystyrene cup and George Ivanoff will be in studio with me to talk about his latest book and much more. Please join me – Gaytana – Write Now for the love of language, literature, ideas, performance and more.

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Write Now – Bayside Literary Festival Live Broadcast

Join Southern FM on Thursday May 23rd at 7pm when we’ll be at Beaumaris Library to broadcast a special edition of the Write Now programme, featuring the Bayside Poetry Group as part of the Bayside Literary Festival. Poems for lovers of language, it’s music, power and imagery. Plus a little surprise. Hosted by poet, performer, writer and radio host Gaytana

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Playlist for Midnight Mass program Wednesday 15th May

Hey all. After a week’s absence the Midnight Mass is on for one and all once again at 12 midnight tonight (hooray! hooray!). So without further ado, here is the playlist for tonight’s show: SCOTT WALKER – See That You Do Not Bump His Head AFX – Flow Coma ACID MOTHER’S TEMPLE – Gustavo Hendi BORIS – Hama MARS VOLTA

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Best Medicine – TODAY – Prof. Merlin Thomas talking about diabetes and busting cold myths; then Di McDonald CEO of Jean Hailes will talk about Womens’ Words of Wisdom. Please join me – Gaytana

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