TODAY – I’m talking with Christie Nicholas author of The Mum Who Roared – advice for new mothers; and Kaye Hose –  National Myeloma Co-ordinator (Leukaemia Foundation) about the results of a survey – the rural and metro divide  yet again. Make it a date with me Gaytana, Tuesdays 11am – noon for knowledge that informs and empowers.

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DON”T FORGET – today on Best Medicine – info on the Dementias, from Prof. Steve MacFarlane;  Alzheimers Australia Victoria’s new DVD and more. Make it a date with me Gaytana, Tuesdays 11am – noon

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Today – talking with Liz Harfull re WOMEN OF THE LAND -inspiring stories; and later with Kate Denborough re Kage Theatre’s production of Sundowners – developed with Alzheimers Australia Victoria. Also an update on Robert Rabbin. Make it a date with me, Gaytana, Tuesdays 11am-noon for Best Medicine

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TODAY – The Best Start for your baby – talking with clinical psychologist Lynn Jenkins and a lot more. Make it a date with me, Gaytana, Tuesdays 11am-noon for BEST MEDICINE      

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Arthritis – today – I talk with Ainslie Cahill CEO Arthritis Australia re OA impacts, risk reduction and more PLUS I wish you’d been there: the Rotary Youth Mental Health Night last Wednesday – I’ll give a detailed report and helpful resources. Make it a date with me Gaytana for BEST MEDICINE, Tuesdays 11am-noon on 88.3 FM

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Best Medicine-Youth Mental Health

WISH YOU WERE THERE – last night at Beaumaris Rotary’s Youth Mental Health Night – packed with important information from Prof. David Castle who dissected the photoshopped images of idealised masculine and feminine beauty thrust into our psyches constantly; Janet Hopkins CEO of Lantern, Shining Light on Mental Health, offering hope for troubled teens and Ali Halkic telling of the death of

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